A Joyful Salvation | Pastor Lee Armstrong

Message Date: January 22, 2025

A Joyful Salvation 

  My desire : 

  • To encourage you 

Ex. How children learn to walk and talk. 

  • To bring us back to the simplicity found in Christ.  

(2nd Cor. 11:3) 

  • To restore unto you the Joy of your salvation 

(Ps. 51:12) 



#2) God’s incredible love revealed: 

Rom. 5:8,9 (KNJV) read.  

God loved you when you didn’t want His love.  

“You actively opposed his love and desires for you.” 


Col. 2:6, “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord so, walk ye in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” 


So the question is: How did you get saved? 

Eph. 2:8,9 (read) 

By Grace through faith 



Philippians 1:6, “Being confident of this very thing, he who hath begun a good work in you, will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” 


But what about sin? What about it? While you were yet.. 


The enemy of your soul will use your love for God against you.   (As a man thinketh in his heart/Prov. 23:7) 


If you focus on sin you’ll become a sinner 

(The strength of sin is the law/ 1st Cor. 15:56) 

If you focus on the law you’ll become a lawyer 

If you focus on grace you’ll become gracious 

If you focus on Christ you’ll become Christ like 


Ex. People who spend time together!! 


But I keep doing what I don’t want to do!!!! 


Paul had the same problem: Romans 7 

His answer?   

An alternate power source!! 


Who shall deliver me? I thank my God, Jesus Christ 


The branch gets life and power from the vine!! 


God’s love for us sets us free! 

Rom. 8:1: “There is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ 


Stay connected to the power source. The lover of your soul!! 

Hear His encouragement to walk and talk.